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Vaklush Tolev: Intuition is the ripe fruit of causality, of higher rationality

Vaklush Tolev: Intuition is the ripe fruit of causality, of higher rationality

The mind is in need of objectivity in order to be in awe of the whole construction, but only intuition can pass judgement. And intuition is not a matter of creed – intuition is the ripe fruit of causality, of higher rationality. Through knowledge, the human being consciously transforms suffering and will consciously create another type of sacrament: to be, not to have!

Vaklush Tolev, Spiritual Waves in Evolution, ‘Nur’ magazine 0/2000

The literal translation of intuition from the Latin mean sense but also prescience, because the instinctive sense is already present in our fundamental biology and it bears its divinity in the form of self-preservation which protects us: what we call instinct. This is multiplied in human logic and thought as sense. But when we say prescience, we place it in a different, higher category of mental knowledge. It is clarity, it is an exact and correct knowledge: genuine knowledge, obtained without ‘rationality’ and without experiment. As Henri Bergson calls it: elan, vital force. Somewhere it is said that this is conjecture. But conjecture does not yet mean prescience. This is to lower it. Conjecture has an air of doubt about it while prescience is a pure sense of knowing. Conjecture is incomplete knowledge while intuition is insight.

Reality itself gradually ploughs up the deep furrow of intuition in which the seed of knowledge sprouts. It will gradually start to dominate over conscious thought and logic, because conscious thinking and logic will build up ever more solid steps so that when humanity starts to lay out truths on the stage of intuitive knowledge there will be no doubt. And just as we have acknowledged rationality; as we have acknowledged perception via the eyes, which turns into a concept; as we’ve acknowledged the concept, with which we qualify and express thoughts concerning the behaviour or characteristics of an object… so will the time come, when we shall reap the great seed of intuitive knowledge from that furrow: direct, pure and unmediated.

Vaklush Tolev, ‘Nur’ magazine 4/1993


Source: www.nur.bg
Translation: Neil Scarth
Photos of Rhodope mountain by Dimitar Golodov




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