Home БГ + ENGLISH THIS AND THAT Unlock The Stage // The real miracles of the dreams

Unlock The Stage // The real miracles of the dreams


“The dream comes alive when you start walking towards it.”
“What fills life with meaning, is to live it in a way that you are inspired every day.”
“To the people whose dreams seem unachievable, and arise mockery and unbelief in others, I want to tell them that these are the dreams worth fighting for. ” – Unlock the Stage (Nasko)

After spending his whole childhood in the tiny Bulgarian village of Tatarevo, Nasko Atanasov moves to USA to pursue his passion for theatre. Coming back to Tatarevo couple of years later, Nasko founds accidentally an old abandoned (deeply hidden!) theatre, just across his grandparents house, about which existence he never new before. Gathering all his American friends and raising money for the renovation of the forgotten theatre, Nasko brings life to the stage and changes the village forever.


“Отключено” // Реалните чудеса на мечтите

“Мечтата оживява, когато започнеш да вървиш към нея.”

“Това, което изпълва живота със смисъл, е да го живееш по начин, по който всеки ден си вдъхновен.”

“На хората, които имат някаква съкровена мечта в себе си, която изглежда възможно най-неосъществима, която би предизвикала насмешка и недоверие в околните, бих им казал, че тези са мечтите, за които си струва най-много да се бориш.”

– Наско Атанасов, Unlock The Stage


Director, Cinematographer and Editor: Chris Zahariev
Production Assistant: Nicole Trendafilova

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