Home Tag "MUSIC"

EXO, who are making History

Материалът на български виж ТУК. Written by Ralie Blag Translation: Neil Scarth The material is part of the publication “Bright Sparks in the Aura of Bulgaria” (Download pdf of the book for free  /+ addition booklet HERE.) Everyday existence is an evolutionary form of ascension! – Vaklush Tolev – EXO made their debut with cult-like status, with almost cinematic aplomb, in […]

Kristian Kostov – a citizen of the world who reaches ‘untouchable’ heights of the heart

Материалът на български виж ТУК. Kristian Kostov represents Bulgaria at Eurovision 2017: Celebrate Diversity with the song “Beautiful Mess” Text: Ralie Blag Translation: Neil Scart With his performance in the Bulgarian edition of X-factor in 2015, Kristian already seemed to be giving notice that something very special had appeared on the scene. With the look […]

Nikolo Kotzev and his rock opera ‘Nostradamus’: Love for mankind is the most important thing in the world

Материалът на български виж  ТУК. Interview with maestro Nikolo Kotzev by Ralie Blag for “Bright sparks in the Aura of Bulgaria” Photoes: Alexsandra Vali Translation: Neil Scarth Have you ever noticed how sometimes you need a particular person towards whose sensibilities your own door is open: in order for him to lead you into territories which […]

Many of the problems today are due to the disbalance between our intellectual and spiritual development

Материалът на български виж  ТУК. Interview with maestro Nayden Todorov by Ralie Blag for “Bright sparks in the Aura of Bulgaria” Photoes: Alexsandra Vali Translation: Neil Scarth ‘There are no such things as facts any more,’ conclude the comedy programmes dedicated to Donald Trump and his electoral campaign. This thought occurred to me because I […]

Etude for TWO PIANOS: Genova & Dimitrov | Етюд за ДВА РОЯЛА: Генова и Димитров

“ETUDE FOR TWO PIANOS” The Talented. The Dreamers. The Successful… Documentary Movie about the Piano Duo Genova & Dimitrov The Bulgarian National Television BNT presents “Contemporaries” – the TV Documentary Series about the people, who will leave footprints “Already two decades long Aglika Genova und Liuben Dimitrov are one of the most successful piano duos […]

11-years-old Alma Deutscher and her opera ‘Cinderella’: Sometimes you have to believe in dreams…

Материалът на български виж  ТУК. She plays on the piano since she was 2, on the violin since 3, and started to compose at age 4 without being aware the process of inviting her own melodies is called composing Now she is 11 years old, and the world premiere of her full-length opera ‘Cinderella’ was […]

Unlock The Stage // The real miracles of the dreams

“The dream comes alive when you start walking towards it.” “What fills life with meaning, is to live it in a way that you are inspired every day.” “To the people whose dreams seem unachievable, and arise mockery and unbelief in others, I want to tell them that these are the dreams worth fighting for. […]

Tim Minchin: You Grew on Me :)))

Tim Minchin – You Grew on Me You grew on me like a tumour And you spread through me like malignant melanoma And now you’re in my heart I should’ve cut you out back at the start Now I’m afraid there’s no cure for me No dose of emotional chemotherapy Can halt my pathetic decline […]

Дейвид Гарет – “Свиря за своя живот”

Части от DVD за живота и музикалното раазвитие на Дейвид Гарет: Playing for My Life – Свиря за живота си повечето текст е превод от видеото ТУК също от видеото горе и другите по-долу _______________ “Когато свириш музика, тя действително трябва да идва от сърцето и това е нещо, което не се учи. Това е […]

Антонио Папано с награда ECHO Klassik 2016 в интервю на Дейвид Гарет

Дейвид Гарет: Вие сте такъв завършен диригент в световен мащаб – непрекъснато получавате награди… Какво означава за вас настоящата награда Echo, особено бидейки тя за “Диригент на годината”? Антонио Папано: О, Диригент на годината и особено в Германия – за мен е нещо много-много ценно. Тази страна е сърцето на музиката по някакъв начин и […]

Дейвид Гарет: Kласическата музика продължава да е в основата на всичко, което правим днес (Music)

Дейвид Гарет за албума си “Музика” Ню Йорк 2012 Източник: Youtube Тук сме в хубавото Electric Lady студио, където тъкмо приключих записите за новия си албум “Музика” (Music) и го чувствам вече като един вид свой дом. Четвърти по ред кросовър албум записвам тук – в тази хубава атмосфера и се надявам, че ще има […]