Home Tag "dreams"

The Children of the Day: The leaders of the New Era

На български виж ТУК. ___ material from 09.06.2022 included in the book ‘The Children of the Day: born to make history’ Prepared by: Ralie Blag – Alita Translation by: Neil Scarth ‘One tiny fragile flower – left behind injured, and almost dying. I can hear the pain, the crying. Because I was there before, like you – injured, […]

Между митологията и реалността със Сънища в Съня на NCT: The 7-th Sense, Simon Says, Regular

For English, scroll down Подготвил: Ралица Благовестова Текстът e изведен от видеото по-долу Съмнявам се дали болшинството фенове или самите “визуални оператори” осъзнават колко мащабно е влиянието на кпопа с приноса си за пробуждането на висшия вътрешен потенциал на човечеството. Дълбоко ме докосват всеки път, когато си пускам да се въртят песни като Limitless или The […]

CORONAVIRUS QUARANTINE – time for creative projects or how Ralie’s Minies started

Материалът на български виж ТУК. Prepared by: Ralie Blag Photos by: Alexsandra Vali Ralie’s Mini Veggie Cuisine was brought to light during the Coronavirus quarantine time. While watching videos on YouTube I bumped into Japanese miniature cooking channels which made my day to the extend that I said to myself, ‘Here it is, I can start something like that’. […]

Unlock The Stage // The real miracles of the dreams

“The dream comes alive when you start walking towards it.” “What fills life with meaning, is to live it in a way that you are inspired every day.” “To the people whose dreams seem unachievable, and arise mockery and unbelief in others, I want to tell them that these are the dreams worth fighting for. […]

NEW DESIGNERS OF THE WORLD | Centuries-old Tree Trunk

Оригиналът на български виж ТУК. Two dreams of Alexandra Vali, included in the publication ‘Bright Sparks in the Aura of Bulgaria’ and in ‘The Children of the Day – born to make history‘ Translation: Neil Scarth Photo of Alexsandra Vali by Assen Bakalov — NEW DESIGNERS OF THE WORLD Аlexsandra’s dream from 3-th of July 2015, […]