Home Tag "Vaklush Tolev"

EXO’s Baekhyun shines bright in a book of honour

On May 5 (2023), The Children’s Day in Korea and Japan, was released a non-fiction book by Ralie Alita in which the k-pop star Baekhyun from EXO is featured as one of ‘three contemporary Chosen Ones of Destiny’. The book is titled ‘The Children of the Day: born to make history’ and the South Korean singer […]

Учителя на Мъдростта, 100-години: Петър Стоянов за Ваклуш Толев | The Teacher of Wisdom, 100th anniversary: Petar Stoyanov on Vaklush Tolev

For English scroll down. Петър Стоянов за Ваклуш Толев Из интервю на Николай Василев, ОПМ Подготвил за списание 8, Ян. 2023: Ралица Благовестова Снимка: видео Материалът е включен в книгата “Децата на Деня — родени да правят история”, посветена на 100-годишнината от рождението на Ваклуш Толев ПЕТЪР СТОЯНОВ адвокат, президент на България в периода 1997 – 2002 година “Болка, […]

Учителя на Мъдростта, 100-години: Илко Семерджиев за Ваклуш Толев | The Teacher of Wisdom, 100th anniversary: Ilko Semerdzhiev on Vaklush Tolev

For English scroll down. Илко Семерджиев за Ваклуш Толев Из интервю на Николай Василев, ОПМ Подготвил за списание 8, Ян. 2023: Ралица Благовестова Снимка: видео Материалът е включен в книгата “Децата на Деня — родени да правят история”, посветена на 100-годишнината от рождението на Ваклуш Толев ИЛКО СЕМЕРДЖИЕВ доктор, министър на здравеопазването в периода 1999 – 2001 […]

The Children of the Day: born to make history

Съдържанието на български виж ТУК. “The Children of the Day truly have that authority invested in them: not to acknowledge the Night. This means that the clouding obscurity of the evolutionary rung has been outgrown.” — Vaklush, Nur magazine 1/2009— ABOUT THE BOOK (Download pdf of the book for free) The book “The Children of the Day – […]

Прекрасните кралици и техният поиск за Светлина и Единство: Найтбърд, Сондок, Нефертити, Евридика / The lovely queens and their quest for Light & Unity: Nightbirde, Seondeok, Nefertiti, Eurydice

For English, scroll down Подготвил: Ралица Благовестова Текстът e изведен от видеото по-долу Сондок > Прекрасна и добродетелна Нефертити > Красавицата дойде Евридика > Прекрасна учителна виделина (от финикийски) … По съвпадение, да, отново имаме подходяща нова песен на SM, която да ни каже, че всички сме крале и кралици на своя живот и съдба (Queendom […]

Vaklush Tolev about THE SPIRITUAL WAVES: Doctrines and Unity

By Vaklush Tolev from the book ‘History of Religions’ Translation: Neil Scarth Photo: Lyubomir Andreev SEVEN are the lamps in the existence of the human being. Seven Spiritual cultural races and seven Spiritual waves lap him and make him divine. Every Spiritual wave is an outpouring of the Planetary Logos – a divine emanation, which nourishes the planetary […]

EQUINOX: The universal saga of ‘The Fifth Element’ with Bulgaria as its epicentre is going to be played out on the Eurovision stage in the month of May :)

Материалът на български виж ТУК. Prepared by Ralie Blag Translation: Neil Scarth The material is part of the publication “Bright Sparks in the Aura of Bulgaria” (Download pdf of the book for free.) The era of the Spiritual Wave of Wisdom is the age when Humanity reaches spiritual maturity. The era of Wisdom will realise the hierarchy […]

CONDEMNED TO LIFE: essay/synopsis for a documentary film about Vaklush Tolev and his ideas

Оригиналът на български виж ТУК essay/synopsis for a documentary film about Vaklush Tolev and his ideas Written by: SPINTY Translation: Neil Scarth The material is part of the publication “Bright Sparks in the Aura of Bulgaria” (2018) (Download pdf of the book for free) Its also included in the book  ‘The Children of the Day: born to make […]

Vasil Levski – The Apostle of Freedom

Материалът на български виж  ТУК. The material is part of the publication “Bright Sparks in the Aura of Bulgaria” (Download pdf of the book for free) Editor’s note for non-Bulgarian readers: Vasil Levski (1837-1873) is the most notable and beloved Bulgarian revolutionary, dubbed the Apostle of Freedom as well as Deacon Ignatius. ‘Levski’ is another title […]

Bright Sparks in the Aura of Bulgaria

(Download pdf of the book for free /+ additional booklet HERE.) Съдържанието на български виж ТУК. We have pleasure in bringing to the reader’s attention a constellation of individuals who have already fired the imagination of the compiler via a certain aspect of their creative work or the examples of their lives. With the uniqueness of their […]

Knowledge ought not to come solely from outside nor be considered literally, wholesale and as a given

Оригиналът на български виж ТУК. Interview by Diana Ivanova-Nikolova with Ralie Blag for “Bright Spaarks in the Aura of Bulgaria” (Download pdf of the book for free) Translation: Neil Scarth Photos by Alexsandra Vali, Ralie Blag, Nikola Donev In someone’s life various colours exist. For some these are the classics black-and-white; for others there is a multi-hued […]