The Classical Recital under the sacred sign of 13

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On precisely the 31st of May 2016, in Beethoven Hall, Bonn, David Garrett and Julien Quentin made their final, 13th stop on their joint tour, as Julien Quentin himself announced on his official Facebook page.[1] From Saarbrucken via Munich, Stuttgart, Berlin, Hamburg, Freiburg and even Paris, the public gave a rapturous reception to the performers they adore in a classical programme which included virtuoso samples of Meliton, Dvorak, Prokofiev, Tschaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Kreisler and others. What exactly David shares with his audience talking before each next piece on stage remains hidden from me behind the language barrier of his native German. My personal discovery, though, turned out to be ‘Dance of the Goblins’ by Bazzini, a new addition to my list of all-time favourites – in David’s violin interpretation… With this final piece on the programme will forever leave in my heart the memory of the delightful and unexpected gift from fate: a ticket for a recital by David and Julien in Berlin on the 16th of May 2016 – major stop of their joint tour. But, anyway, let me tell you how it all happened…
Yes, synchronicity in Jungian terms undoubtedly inspires, regardless of the messages it brings. Whether you like it or not is a matter of individual perception but it always bears the mark of emergent energy in action, with an element of unfolding inevitability. And, as I quickly realised, the case with this magical piece of earthly reality, the Classical Recital by David Garrett and Julien Quentin, was definitely marked by the energies of the ‘fatal’ number 13. The number of Wisdom – the crucifix path of Bulgaria… we’d rather say. ‘Fatal’, because it is exacting. One needs a certain state of thorough preparedness to endure it and even some kind of saintliness as well…
My attention was drawn to this number when I discovered to my amazement how quickly certain things came about. From the moment I saw random video with Garrett’s performance (my first ever which had been sent to me with the clear intention of getting me to do some research into the performer) until this concert in Berlin, exactly 13 days would pass. A concert about which I had known nothing at all literally days before the event. Just like that – from video to video my interest had in one way or another been awakened[2] and since there isn’t much information to be found in the Bulgarian media about this performer, I had translated from English a press-conference of his in Italy (Genoa) which was dedicated to his film about Paganini, as particular aspects of his views on this subject-matter had made an impression on me.
And behold: my sharing of this translated interview had brought me a ticket for Berlin – from a fan who, as it turned out, was unable to go… And so it was that on Friday the 13th, ha-ha (really no joke, and of course I noticed the fact subsequently), we sent off an enquiry to the artist’s management about getting official permission to take pictures in the Berlin Philharmonic’s auditorium and film an interview with David Garrett while we are there – me and Alexsandra Vali (photographer). I imagine we must have been pretty insanely cheeky to do this! True, once we’d set foot on German soil we toned down our lofty expectations a bit of course. We decided when it came down to it that we could only really introduce ourselves to the tour manager Jorg Kollenbroich, with whom our PR had managed to get in touch on the telephone, and in this way arrange the chance of a written interview with David Garrett at least. And that’s exactly what we did…
In the meantime those number 13s started to rain down at every step. I wouldn’t sit down and reel off everything, not least because I don’t remember all the details any more, but… For example, I happened to take a look at the small print on the ticket and I saw that it had been bought on the 13th of November 2015. That put me in mind of the story of the fan who had given me the ticket: she had first seen David Garrett performing a classical concert two years earlier, on the 13th of May 2014, in exactly the same venue of the Berlin Philharmonic. Apart from that, on the day of the concert we had plenty of time to kill so we decided that it wasn’t a bad idea to dispel the growing tension about what and how we’ll be able to manage by taking in a film in the cinema near the concert hall. And when I looked at my ticket to see where to sit what should loom before my eyes but the designated seat number 13 in large digits. During this day I also discovered that my beloved piece of nowadays pop-activism – Rock Mafia’s ‘Fly or Die’ video had been released officially on 13th of August, 2013 and the song is part of the soundtrack of FIFA13…
And so, let us say that the first interview with David Garrett for Bulgaria is now in the hands of God, artist’s management and David himself, of course. We can only meekly wait to see what those three will decide and in the final analysis, than the fate itself also could decide…
The story surrounding that joint tour marked by the energies of the number 13 is still rippling reactions around us in space. But let us close it with the beautifully put together words of our unexpected benefactor for Berlin, Dora Nedkova, who has just recently returned from the concert by the two performers in Paris. She shares her exhilaration in the following lines:
‘One violin and one piano! David Garrett and Julien Quentin…. ‘The soundtrack of my life’ whispered with a great deal of love by David. Words will never describe the feelings and emotions, the tears of happiness welling up, the joy and flight of the soul. The magical fiddle of this incredible violinist accompanied by the gorgeous piano, transported us with great love to another place, another dimension and space. As if the Universe had opened up and a thousand suns glowed… Music is joy! Or ‘Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life’ – as David Garrett tweeted an year ago.’
Written by: Ralie Blag
Photos by: Alexsandra Vali, Dora Nedkova
Translation: Neil Scarth
More photoes HERE
[1] Recital 2016 Tour includes eleven concerts in Germany plus two more in France in between.
[2] For several reasons, but let’s note the main one: Mozart and Metallica in one, which is whole another lifetime story by the way… in many ways… And pieces as Vivaldi vs Vertigo, Rock Prelude, Furious and so no – perfect Innovation !