Home Tag "Metallica"

1.11, Ден за Супер Синергия със SuperM, Моцарт, Дейвид Гарет и др.: ПО НОТИТЕ НА СЪДБАТА

For English watch the video with subtitles HERE Подготвил: Ралица Благовестова – Алита ~ ~ ~ Kафе-книжарница АЗБУЧНИКА, Българско Веге Общество и Free VISION Медия отбелязват заедно Деня на Народното Будителство и Световния Ден на Веганството с трапеза за ежедневие с вдъхновение 😉 Следва  презентация от името на Free VISION, заедно с леко модифициран видео вариант. ~ ~ ~ 1.11 нарекохме […]

CORONAVIRUS QUARANTINE – time for creative projects or how Ralie’s Minies started

Материалът на български виж ТУК. Prepared by: Ralie Blag Photos by: Alexsandra Vali Ralie’s Mini Veggie Cuisine was brought to light during the Coronavirus quarantine time. While watching videos on YouTube I bumped into Japanese miniature cooking channels which made my day to the extend that I said to myself, ‘Here it is, I can start something like that’. […]

11-years-old Alma Deutscher and her opera ‘Cinderella’: Sometimes you have to believe in dreams…

Материалът на български виж  ТУК. She plays on the piano since she was 2, on the violin since 3, and started to compose at age 4 without being aware the process of inviting her own melodies is called composing Now she is 11 years old, and the world premiere of her full-length opera ‘Cinderella’ was […]

Metallica – Moth into Flame

Metallica – Moth into Flame Hardwired to Self-Destruct Album Blacked out Pop queen, amphetamine The screams crashed into silence Tapped out Doused in the gasoline The high times going timeless Decadence Death of the innocence The pathway starts to spiral Infamy All for publicity Destruction going viral Light it up Ah, light it up Another […]

Дейвид Гарет – Explosive, музиката днес!

Дейвид Гарет за албума си “Explosive” трак по трак, 2015 Източник: Youtube Dangerous Dangerous на Дейвид Гета беше топ парче през 2014 г. Исках да започна с нещо модерно, вълнуващо – нещо, което хората разпознават. Въпреки, че има доста оригинални композиции в албума, исках да започна с нещо познато, макар и малко необичайно. Защото в […]

DAN OSMAN – To go beyond

Материалът на български виж ТУК. Written by: IVO KALUSHEV Translation: Neil Scarth ‘Dan Osman – the Indian? I used to watch his performances, his jumps. He is a very interesting person, a very colourful character – apart from being so handsome and also apart from being a nice chap. He is one of a special […]

METALLICA – some kind of… REBIRTH

Written for Enthusiast magazine by: Ralie Blag (2005 /+ P.S. 2016) Translation: Neil Scarth Материалът на български виж ТУК. We come now to create the album of our life. We honor the virtues of each and the harmony of the ONE. Throughout our individual and collective journeys, sometimes accompanied by pain and conflict, we have […]