Home Tag "Ralie Alita"

EXO’s Baekhyun shines bright in a book of honour

On May 5 (2023), The Children’s Day in Korea and Japan, was released a non-fiction book by Ralie Alita in which the k-pop star Baekhyun from EXO is featured as one of ‘three contemporary Chosen Ones of Destiny’. The book is titled ‘The Children of the Day: born to make history’ and the South Korean singer […]

The Children of the Day: The leaders of the New Era

На български виж ТУК. ___ material from 09.06.2022 included in the book ‘The Children of the Day: born to make history’ Prepared by: Ralie Blag – Alita Translation by: Neil Scarth ‘One tiny fragile flower – left behind injured, and almost dying. I can hear the pain, the crying. Because I was there before, like you – injured, […]

Учителя на Мъдростта, 100-години: Петър Стоянов за Ваклуш Толев | The Teacher of Wisdom, 100th anniversary: Petar Stoyanov on Vaklush Tolev

For English scroll down. Петър Стоянов за Ваклуш Толев Из интервю на Николай Василев, ОПМ Подготвил за списание 8, Ян. 2023: Ралица Благовестова Снимка: видео Материалът е включен в книгата “Децата на Деня — родени да правят история”, посветена на 100-годишнината от рождението на Ваклуш Толев ПЕТЪР СТОЯНОВ адвокат, президент на България в периода 1997 – 2002 година “Болка, […]

The Children of the Day: born to make history

Съдържанието на български виж ТУК. “The Children of the Day truly have that authority invested in them: not to acknowledge the Night. This means that the clouding obscurity of the evolutionary rung has been outgrown.” — Vaklush, Nur magazine 1/2009— ABOUT THE BOOK (Download pdf of the book for free) The book “The Children of the Day – […]