Home Tag "intuition"

NIKOLA TESLA (3) : My Later Endeavors. Intuition is something which transcends knowledge

Превод на български виж  ТУК. Third chapter of “My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla” My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla is Telsa’s autobiographical legacy and is published numeral times.  It presents in detail the work of one of the greatest inventors of all times. Content is gathered from a series of articles that […]

The dreamed-of future could be today

Материалът на български виж  ТУК. Stefi Bozhilova – a sunny girl with a restless, or, to put it another way, rebellious character. A traveller, yoga instructor, psychologist, hypnotherapist, blogger, veggie culinary expert, dreamer, practitioner... a sweetheart and a mother. We’ve chosen to present as a kind of statementher inspiring words about the times we live […]