Home Tag "Fifth Race"

NEW DESIGNERS OF THE WORLD | Centuries-old Tree Trunk

Оригиналът на български виж ТУК. Two dreams of Alexandra Vali, included in the publication ‘Bright Sparks in the Aura of Bulgaria’ and in ‘The Children of the Day – born to make history‘ Translation: Neil Scarth Photo of Alexsandra Vali by Assen Bakalov — NEW DESIGNERS OF THE WORLD Аlexsandra’s dream from 3-th of July 2015, […]

Knowledge ought not to come solely from outside nor be considered literally, wholesale and as a given

Оригиналът на български виж ТУК. Interview by Diana Ivanova-Nikolova with Ralie Blag for “Bright Spaarks in the Aura of Bulgaria” (Download pdf of the book for free) Translation: Neil Scarth Photos by Alexsandra Vali, Ralie Blag, Nikola Donev In someone’s life various colours exist. For some these are the classics black-and-white; for others there is a multi-hued […]