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NIKOLA TESLA (3) : My Later Endeavors. Intuition is something which transcends knowledge

Превод на български виж  ТУК. Third chapter of “My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla” My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla is Telsa’s autobiographical legacy and is published numeral times.  It presents in detail the work of one of the greatest inventors of all times. Content is gathered from a series of articles that […]

NIKOLA TESLA (2) : My First Efforts аt Invention

Превод на български виж  ТУК. Second chapter of “My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla” My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla is Telsa’s autobiographical legacy and is published numeral times.  It presents in detail the work of one of the greatest inventors of all times. Content is gathered from a series of articles that […]

Teo: It’s lethal for a person to be ignorant

Материалът на български виж  ТУК. Interview with Teodosii Teodosiev by Ralie Blag for ‘Bright sparks in the Aura of Bulgaria’ Photos: Alexsandra Vali Translation: Neil Scarth ‘The way to greatness is the way of suffering: one has to go through suffering to achieve ease after that. There are no easy successes. But a person needs […]

NIKOLA TESLA (1) : My Early Life

Превод на български виж  ТУК. First chapter of “My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla” My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla is Telsa’s autobiographical legacy and is published numeral times.  It presents in detail the work of one of the greatest inventors of all times. Content is gathered from a series of articles that […]

Bulgarian President addressing EU: Are we heading towards a new Yalta conference? If the West allows this, it will be a historic shame, с ПРЕВОД

За мен е привилегия да се обърна към вас днес като президент на България. Чест е да говоря тук, в самото сърце на европейската демокрация. Аз съм горд про-европейски президент на про-европейска нация. Ние, българите, сме горди с това, че сме опора на стабилността и двигател на позитивната промяна в Югоизточна Европа. Наша обща цел […]