Home Tag "лирика"

Metallica – Moth into Flame

Metallica – Moth into Flame Hardwired to Self-Destruct Album Blacked out Pop queen, amphetamine The screams crashed into silence Tapped out Doused in the gasoline The high times going timeless Decadence Death of the innocence The pathway starts to spiral Infamy All for publicity Destruction going viral Light it up Ah, light it up Another […]

Tim Minchin: 3 Minute Song :)))

Tim Minchin – 3 Minute Song Текстът, макар и не точно 😉 My people rang me up a coupla weeks ago, (Yeah I’ve got people, and a phone, and a grasp on the passage of time) Yeah they rang me up, said, “Tim, will you go on Ruth Jones’ show?” They want you to sing […]

КРИСИЯ, Хасан и Ибрахим: Planet of the Children

If the English subtitles do not go automathic, please click the button CC of the player. Детска планета Искам да съм някой ден фея или супергерой – всички хора по света искам да превърна във деца. И повярвай ми, че съвсем сами този свят ще променим! Припев: Ще бъде детска планета – без глад и […]